Privacy statement for applicants.
Direct Mail Service Buro undertakes, in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Privacy with regard to. the processing of personal data, to the protection of personal data of its internal and external applicants.
The collection and processing is done in a fair, transparent and lawful manner, in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act implementing the European Directive 95/46 / EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data.
In order to be able to continue to comply with applicable laws and regulations, Direkt Mail Service Buro may at any time and without prior warning amend its privacy statement in order to bring it into line with the amended legislation. These adjustments take effect from their publication.
This privacy statement applies to all recruitment and selection activities of Direkt Mail Service Buro.
With this privacy statement, Direkt Mail Service Buro wants to inform its applicants about the way in which it collects and processes personal data.
Direkt Mail Service Buro uses the personal information provided by the applicant solely for the purpose of conducting an effective and efficient recruitment and selection procedure. This concerns: acquiring and analyzing the data of the applicant and comparing it with the existing vacancies, the communication of the recruitment and selection procedure, the planning of job interviews with the applicant, the testing of applicants in the form of, among other things. assessments and interviews and informing applicants about possible other relevant vacancies within Direkt Mail Service Buro. The processing of personal data concerns every possible processing that can be performed on these data, such as collecting, registering, storing, consulting, using, comparing, adjusting, modifying, deleting and destroying the data.
Data from applicants
Personal data are data provided by the applicant both in writing and orally, via application forms (also on line) or by letter (electronic or otherwise), in the context of one or more calls or by telephone.
Direkt Mail Service Buro collects and processes all personal data provided by the applicant in accordance with the law and in a proper and careful manner. These data are adequate, relevant and not excessive for the specific purposes for which they are collected and processed, being recruitment purposes.
For the purposes as mentioned above, the processing of personal data includes:
– standard information regarding your identity (name, first name (s), address …);
– personal details (place and date of birth, nationality, sex, telephone number, e-mail address, hobbies and interests, …);
– your photo if you give permission for this;
– memberships;
– data related to your professional experience (profile, data about former employers, termination of last employment and work delivered, special projects, …) including a reference survey if you have provided references in your CV (which implies that you have given us permission to contact these references);
– information related to your education (diplomas, certificates, internships, special training, …);
– language knowledge;
– if applicable, whether or not you have a work and / or residence permit for the European Economic Area (EEA);
– any other personal information you provide us with in your application in connection with the performance of the job;
– digital assessment via the internet (presence on social media), to the extent that this presence is public to us;
– all other personal data (other than the above) which must be processed pursuant to the law.
Direkt Mail Service Buro does not collect and process any sensitive information about its applicants, such as information concerning racial or ethnic background, political, religious or philosophical opinions or beliefs, possibly membership of trade unions or movements, health, genetic data, psychological identity or psychological competence, sexual preferences, administrative or criminal suspicions or prosecutions and convictions of the applicant.
If Direkt Mail Service Buro receives non-requested sensitive information about an applicant or if it has to be collected in specific circumstances, it will request the express written permission of the applicant. In that case, Belfius Group and the entities that are part of it shall provide the reason for the collection of this information together with the list of persons who will have access to this solely for the performance of their duties. data.
Disclosure of personal data to third parties
HR and your intended manager (s) will have access to your personal data on the basis of a strict need-to-know basis for the purposes stated above.
Direct Mail Service Buro will not forward your data to other third parties, with the possible exception of ‘assessment centers’ etc. or any other third party if this is relevant to the recruitment procedure.
Prior to disclosing any information to any third party, Direkt Mail Service Buro will ensure that all receiving third parties are bound by strict security standards.
Direkt Mail Service Buro does not sell and market data from applicants to any third party. Direkt Mail Service Buro may be required by law to disclose certain details of applicants to third parties, for example public authorities. It may also be necessary that Direkt Mail Service Buro discloses data from applicants under applicable laws to protect its legal rights.
Security of personal data
Direkt Mail Service Buro has, at both the technological and the administrative-organizational level, the appropriate security processes to optimally protect the confidentiality of all information obtained from applicants, including personal data, against unauthorized access, improper use or loss and against any other method of unlawful use. Only the employees involved in the recruitment and selection process have access to this personal information of applicants and only to the extent that they need this information to be able to perform their duties. These employees are obliged by the obligation to respect the privacy of applicants and the confidential handling of the personal data of which they have knowledge. Its use is strictly limited to the performance of the tasks entrusted to them.
Retention period the personal data
We keep your personal data for the period that is necessary in the light of the above mentioned purposes. After the recruitment and selection procedure, Direkt Mail Service Buro stores the data of applicants only if Direkt Mail Service Buro is legally obliged (eg in connection with local laws on equal opportunities at work) or if there is a “business need” “Is to preserve the data of the applicant, eg by saving the job applicant’s CV in case a suitable vacancy arises.
If the application does not result in an employment relationship, your personal data will be kept for a maximum period of two years after the end of the recruitment procedure for the purposes discussed under 2 above.
Rights of applicants
The applicant is at all times entitled to inspect his personal data stored by Direkt Mail Service Buro. In addition, the applicant has the right to request explanation, addition, improvement, removal or protection of his personal data.
Contact information – How these rights can be exercised
For questions, comments or requests for more information regarding the content of this privacy statement, please contact
Responsible for processing
The person responsible for processing the personal data is Direkt mail service Buro bvba, Slingerweg 9, 3600 Genk.